노 대통령은 보수인가, 진보(직역하면 progressive겠지만, 한국식으로 해석해서 conservative에 대칭되는 개념으로 liberal)인가라는 질문을 오늘 저녁 식사를 같이한, 한국을 제법 잘 아는 미국인들에게 물었습니다. Intercultural Institute of California라는 한국학 석사과정을 최근에 개설한 교육기관이 WASC(Western Association of Schools and Colleges, 우리나라의 교육위원회 기능, 정부기관은 아님)의 심사를 요즘 받고 있는데, 오늘 저녁 식사에 저도 초청을 받아서 참석했습니다. 심사관들이 한국에 대해서 어느 정도 잘 아는 분들이라서 그런 질문을 던져 보았던 것입니다.
나: "You are much better than the NYT columnist William Safire!"
심사관: "He is just an idiot. I don't know whether he knows a lot about non-Korean issues, but Korea is not his case. He does not know much about Korea."표현은 조금 강했지만, 미국 사람이 한국 사정을 잘 아는 것 같아서 무척 반가웠습니다.
저는 현실 정치에서 흔히 언급되는 보수-진보 양분법을 좋아하지 않는 편입니다. 왜 그러느냐고요? 노 대통령의 예를 들어 보겠습니다. 노 대통령은 보수이기도 하고 진보이기도 합니다. 노 대통령은 보수가 아니기도 하고 진보가 아니기도 합니다. 분야에 따라서, 사안에 따라서 견해차가 드러날 수 있다고 보는 것이 맞을 것입니다. 제가 일전의 어떤 글에서 도매금으로 보수-진보를 구분하는 것은 허구에 기반울 둔 정치 놀음이 될 가능성이 크다고 주장한 것도 이런 맥락 때문입니다. 보수는 진보를 급진 혹은 좌파로 몰아세우고, 진보는 보수를 수구 혹은 반동으로 몰아세우는 것이 정치 놀음이 아니고 무엇이겠습니까? 학술 용어가 정치판에서 악용된 것으로 봅니다. 그것보다는 과도한 일반화를 피해서 데카르트 식으로 쪼갤 것은 쪼개어서 평가해보는 것이 더 적절합니다. 그러면 사실 판단을 잘못하는 것인지 아닌지를 알아내기가 쉬워질 것입니다.
(2003년 3월 12일, 뉴욕 타임즈 칼럼리스트 Safire 씨에게 보낸 편지입니다. 우리나라 관련 칼럼 내용에 틀린 사실관계가 있다고 지적했습니다. 회신은 없었습니다.)
Dear Mr. Safire,
Let me introduce myself. My name is Byeonggil Ahn residing in Palo Alto, CA. My brief bio is as follows. I had taught international politics, Korean politics, and inter-Korean relationship at Michigan State Univ. (1994-97) and Seoul National Univ. (1997-2000). I had been a policy consultant to the Korean Ministry of Unification (1997-2000), and I had worked for the Committee of Presidency Transition last month.
I read your interesting opinion about the North Korean nuke issue at NYT. I would like to respect, although I don't agree with you, your own creative idea to solve the current conflict escalation between the US and North Korea. However I would like to let you know also that some of your explanation about the facts is not correct.
You mentioned, "South Korea's leaders have gained popularity by vilifying Americans stationed along the demilitarized zone and demanding the U.S. accede to the North's demands." It is simply not true. Have you read the inaugural speech of President Roh? He appreciated the US support for the security of Korea. He emphasized also the importance of the strong alliance relationship between the US and Korea in the speech. I remember many South Korean political leaders expressed the same points a lot of times. I have not read or heard of any South Korean leader's "vilifying" the US soldiers along the demilitarized zone. Could you illustrate any case against my claim?
You also wrote, "Previously anti-American politicians are suddenly encouraging pro-American demonstrations." It is not true also. It seems that you have in mind mainly the pro-American demonstrations in Seoul on March 1. The demonstrations were led by religion leaders, opinion leaders and some politicians who had been pro-American for a long time. They have never been anti-American by any meaning. Many Americans, especially conservative ones, guess that there is a high mood of Anti-Americanism in Korea. I am sorry, but it is not true. Significant majority of Koreans respect the US presence in the Korean peninsula and they regard the US as the most important allied country. Please do not distort the popularity of anti-Americanism in South Korea.
You regarded South Korea as a "neutral." I understand it is rhetoric to indicate Korea and the US having a different position for solving the North Korean issue. I would like to point out that the two countries still want and try to maintain strong alliance relationship for the mutual benefits.
I feel very sorry about the misunderstanding between the US and Korea due to insufficient communication. Korean government should do all efforts to let the US people and politicians understand correctly the position of the Korean government, especially about the alliance relationship.
If you want to have my advice about your column on the Korean issues from now on, please don't hesitate contacting me. I am more than willing to help you write a column based on more accurate information of Korea. Thank you very much.
Byeonggil Ahn
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